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Basketball Training With Integrity

Sklz Heavy Weighted Basketball

Price: $54.99

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Founder- Yemi Ogunoye

Yemi Ogunoye predominantly played basketball as a 6'9" shooting guard/small forward in college as well as professionally. Due to his versatility and skill set, he additionally played the power forward and center position assignments. 


He was recognized as one of the best defensive players in all of college basketball guarding all positions from the 1 to the 5. Yemi studied Health Exercise Science in college while learning the key elements to becoming successful in improving ones performance.

Welcome To The YEMNASIUM

The Overtime Family is what gave way for Yemnasium Training. Terrence Crawford's vision inspired many in the basketball realm. As someone who always loved working behind the scenes and not in the spotlight, one can attest there has been a vast array of professional, college, high school, and virtually all grade level athletes Terrence has had a positive influence on, in one way or another.


To elevate teams and individual players by increasing their skill level, all around work ethic, and most importantly their knowledge of the game.

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"You don't get better overnight but from what you

do 'Over Time' "

- Terrence Crawford.

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You Can Have Anything If You Dress For It.

Dressing For Success Can Help You Achieve Your Goals.

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Mon - Fri: 8am - 8pm​​

​Sunday: 9am - 4pm

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